Saturday, July 24, 2010


Here are -
Two illustrations I did for Illustration Friday - the theme is "Double"
Enjoy! Check out my etsy site to see my current work -

Sunday, June 15, 2008

For Fun

I have been doing a lot of fun work with my old sketchbooks lately. I think it is kind of neat to see what the sketch of a painting before it is painted looks like. These are the little ideas that later led to the creation of a painting.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Photo Finds

While I was walking home the other day, I came across this ancient truck with a satellite dish (?) in the back. It looked like the whole thing belonged in a junk yard. It was so alien on our quiet little street. I ran back to my house and grabbed my camera and shot these photographs.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Happy Late Valentines Day

This is a little image from a set of cards I bought from our German Teacher's wife - Alison. Aren't they wonderful!

#43 - Recall your favorite childhood game.

When I drew this out of the envelope, I didn't think much about it, but, once I started remembering the games we played, it was amazing how many memories they brought back. You will probably have to click on the image to be able to read the descriptions, but here is the basic list:

Witches and Princesses - lots of stirring eggs in dirt holes in the ground.

Paper Dolls (I wonder if we still have these somewhere. Katie would draw them, and willow and I would cut them out and put them into families)



You Can't Touch the Ground - Mainly played at the laundry, but also at home


Dress - up



Others that are not in my journal, but that I just thought of - Roller Skates, Masterpiece (the board game)
Katie/Willow - can you think of others I am missing?

#?(lost the paper) - Make something interesting out of paper and tape.

Actually, the paper said "something useful" and, I am not sure that a collage is useful, but it is what I felt like making. I was desperately feeling the need to do something just for me.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008


So, I did not get a picture posted today, because I accidentally left my camera at school, and I don't want to cheat. But I did take a picture today. It is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent. We had a "Restoration" project meeting tonight. I ran the worship time. I was really nervous. It only went OK. My ideas were cool, but I did not feel a very good vibe from the room. In fact, I think if anything, I bored people. But, anyway, we gave everyone a disposable camera with the assignment of documenting (in some creative way) their sacrifice they made for Lent. My first picture was of ashes. We wrote prayers for change in our hearts on little scraps of paper, and then burned those to use as the ashes we put on our foreheads. I used the burned scraps of paper as the subject for my first photo. Once lent is over, I will try to post all of the images here as a set.

For the worship time that I planned, I took everyone slowly through T.S. Elliots "Ash Wednesday" poem (which is fairly cryptic). Really it is an incredible poem.
You can read it here:
While we were reading through the poem, I put images on the screen that reflected the passages. My favorites were from "State of Minds" flickr page.

They illustrate the poem. Beautiful.

Monday, February 04, 2008

Photograph Day 1

The other thing I am going to try to do is to take one photograph a
day and just see what happens...